Thursday, October 10, 2013

Watch what you put online
Have you ever accidentally posted something on social media that's gotten you in trouble? I know I have...


  1. One time I posted on twitter that I was going to go drinking... but I'm 19... so I got in trouble. Turns out my cop-uncle follows me on Twitter.

    1. uh oh! I've seen this happen a lot lately with social media... last year, I believe, or maybe the year before, Miss Coloma, Michigan got her crown token away for having her picture taken at a college party with a red solo cup in hand. When it comes to under-age drinking, law enforcement sure aren't kidding around!

  2. I love those shows and radio blips that talk about how "smart" the criminals are!!! Yep, gotta love tweets and posts!

    1. me too! I listen to u93 in the mornings and Rob has a segment called "Stupid News" where he gives short blurbs about recent idiotic crimes. They sure do get silly! Check out my post titled "Being stones worth getting stoned,"--it goes into this subject a bit more :)
